Do You Have a Teacher That Impacted Your Life?

Most of us have had teachers in our lives who saw in us potential before we may have even seen it in ourselves. Richard Dewey was that teacher for our President and CEO, Stuart Ellis. The Dewey Awards celebrate such teachers. 
We invite students, parents, teachers, and school supporters to tell our awards panel via text or video about your favorite teacher. Like they did in past years, our panel will select three winners, and each of these will receive a $1,000 charter school grant in that teacher's name to the school of their choice. 
  • Submit your story (written or video) of the teacher who made a difference in your life. 
  • Written submissions should be 300 words or more. 
  • Video submissions should be 1-10 minutes in length. 
  • Submit your story between September 30 - November 5, 2021. 
  • Grant winners will be announced on December 8, 2021. 
  • Submit your story here